As we are preparing for a big, Big, BIG change in our lives very soon I thought it would be a good idea to put some meals in the freezer. I just know that the first thing I’m not going to want to do is cook every night. So, the easier I can make it the better! I would love to hear what your favorite recipes for the freezer, crockpot or just tips to make life easier at mealtime.
I’ve already recruited my mom to help me get my kitchen and my freezer in tip-top shape – now I just need those recipes and advice!!
You can either reply in the comments or email me! Thank you for helping me!!!
I just posted a recipe on my blog that I think would freeze well (but I haven’t tried it). It’s Mexican Chicken. You can make it as mild or spicy as you like.
Here’s what freezes well for me: Lasagna, meatloaf/meatballs (I do the meatloaf raw and cook it and usually cook my meatballs), ground meat (I cook it up ahead of time and just pull it out to make spaghetti, tacos, casseroles etc). I also chop up onions, peppers and celery and keep in my freezer so that when I am making a recipe, I just pull out a bag and use it as it is hard for me to stand a long time, so this helps me cook fresh stuff easily. Oh Twice Baked Potatoes freeze well. Pizza crusts. And Trader Joe’s has some good Asian food in their frozen foods section that isn’t too expensive and don’t taste like TV dinners! lol
Wish I could help… That’s something I’ve never done before… Which proves I am a lousy wife! *rofl*
Enchalada cassarole!!! EASY and freezes well! Also, those sour creme chicken enchalads’s freeze well too.