Scheduling ~ Lately, my life is pretty crazy. Well, crazy for me — the girl who prefers to stay at home and never leave it! But as running around also affects the boys and their school time, I have a pretty good excuse to ground myself. 😉
We have a homeschool park day on Wednesdays from 2-4pm. We’ve also been doing a library trip before it at 1pm. Sadly, when we get there on time, we are often the only ones there for quite awhile 🙁 and due to leaving at 4pm, we are often the first to leave. :( But due to Awanas on Wed night, we need to get home to get clean and have dinner.
So, I’ve decided that I’m only doing appointments (Dr, dental, therapies) on Wednesday mornings. Anything else is just too big a disruption to our schooling and my peace of mind. That means that Wednesdays will be a ‘lighter’ day of schoolwork too – just Bible & history – the boys will be thrilled! lol
Hope it helps!!
Menu planning ~ Last night I looked up and realized it was 5pm and I didn’t have a clue what we were going to do for dinner. I try and try to get fired from this responsibility, but it hasn’t worked. Guess I need to make peace and get a plan!
So, I’m going to create a dinner menu and then go shopping! Here’s hoping it works!
Rambling ~ Being at my SIL’s last week was great on sooo many levels! Not only did we get out of our house! ;-) but she is FLYing and doing a GREAT job of it! A great reminder to me that I don’t have to live like this! Time to take control of my life again and quit whining!  (But I’ll warn you now – if you are looking for me to be an excellent FLYer – you will be disappointed. I usually do about 25% of what FlyLady suggests, find peace and ignore the rest. But as peace is my goal, I’m happy!)
Off to make a menu plan and shine my sink! TTYL!
Hey, have you tried Saving Dinner? It goes really well with FLYing…. 🙂
Try as I might, I can’t seem to get fired from the job of cook either. Maybe I can at least decide what I’m going to fix tonight right now. Hmmmmm…… 🙂
I think my kids would like Wednesdays like that! … Oh, and I hate menu planning too! *rofl*
Thanks for reminding me about Flylady! I went and forgot about her. 🙂