I have had no time to really sit down and write. Between Holiday preparations and work….I just haven’t been able to write like I wanted to on this blog.  I have lots of ideas and I’m writing a lot in my journaling about goals for 2023.  When I finalize them, I plan to share them here. I’m really excited about a couple of them.

But in the meantime, I have 4 more days of work and then our holidays! Well, my family already had one celebration – my sibs, our mom and ALL the grandkids gathered at my sister’s on Saturday for a meal and a gift exchange. It was such a great time! We took the opportunity to take pictures with Grammy who will be turning 80 at the end of January!! (click pictures to see bigger images)

Grammy and all her Grandkids, and a couple of granddogs

The Osborns

The Watsons

The Roberts & Baileys

The OG family 😉

2 Thoughts on “Well, it’s harder than I thought – an update

  1. All these photos are so very special!

  2. How fun for you all! I bet you mom was very, very happy. ????

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