Today, it’s catch-up day on the blog….all those things I’ve been meaning to share but they aren’t enough for a full blog post:
- Today Netflix released a new iPod/iPhone app to allow you to watch movies/tv shows from your instant queue! Love this! I almost can’t wait for the next time the boys take over the television! I’ll go find a comfy chair – maybe backyard on my swing? – and watch a bit of my old favorites!
- Sweater Design Class. Tonight is class #2 and I think I’m ready to set aside the sleeves but I’m a bit confused how to do that and what to do with the rest of the stitches so I’m definitely looking forward to this class! I hope to take some pictures tonight to share here – stay tuned!
- Linde Lane Tea Room – I’m so blessed! Tomorrow, Ruth, Margaret & I are headed back for visit #2 and then, next week, I’m headed there with a friend who works with Hubs! Yeah for me!!
- I realized it wouldn’t hurt to bring a little organization to Sissy’s day. So I did a quick search and was super happy to find is still around. This is a free curriculum for preschoolers that I used for J1 & J2 and loved. (I wasn’t in a good place to do anything like this with J3 – poor J3, and me!) Check it out if you too want some structure for your preschooler!
- We now have all our curriculum for J2’s school year! We are plugging away. I am SO happy to have some help each week! I hope when we have his IEP to ask for a bit more, some speech therapy for his Auditory Processing and possibly to have him retested.
- We also finally have a weekly therapist for J2. I hope she will help him recognize emotions in himself and others to help him in his interactions.
- Jennifer S. shared about the Home Ec class she is using with her kids on her blog, For Such a Time As This, and it’s free! Definitely going to use this with my boys. It’s written for girls, but I think it will work for them with just a bit of tweaking! Check it out here:
- Working out first thing in the morning is working great so far. By the time I wake up enough to think I don’t want to do this, I’ve already been there for 25 min so I might as well finish! 😉
- Downside is that it is really cutting into my work schedule. So I’ll be working on that next.
- J1 starts school in just about 1.5 weeks but we found out his teacher is still on maternity leave. :(Â Please pray along with us that the substitute will be a good match for J1 and our family!
- I’m attending a free webinar next week “Ten Stumbling Blocks to Writing” . I’m really looking forward to it. Check out the link – there are other great webinars available for you! Definitely an encouragement!
Guess that’s it! Hope you enjoyed some of these links!
Hi Amy! I had seen those homemaking lessons before and then lost the link so I am glad you shared it.
Have you seen The secrets of Jonathan Sperry? I thought it was a good movie and my boys (7 and 9) stayed very interested in it.
No, we haven’t! I’ll check it out – I’m assuming it’s an Instant Play on Netflix?
I’m excited to tweak those homemaking lessons for my older boys (15 & 14) but when I told them today they said, “Will we learn how to cook Chinese soup and noodles?” “Will we need to clean up our mess?” lol I SO have my hands full! LOL