What a few days I’ve had! I’ve been running non-stop! Yesterday I took my MIL to Sacramento to have her stitches removed (she had toe surgery a few weeks ago). This was our 5th? trip for this purpose and I finally found a nice way to spend the time. I took the boys to the park and asked her to call me when she was ready. We had almost an hour of fun in the park instead of sitting in a hot parking lot trying to keep sane! Why did it take 5 trips to figure this out!!! LOL
Today was Bible study – Beth Moore’s “A Heart Like His” about the life of David. The video was about Jesus, Mary, Martha and Lazarus. The first part was great but then she talked about Martha saying to the Lord, “If you had been here my brother would not haved died” and I could hear that echoing in my head. But we know from that passage that not coming while Lazarus was dead brought more glory to our Lord. And, I’m really starting to believe that in our lives too.
Not that I expect the Lord to show up at my door to bring my baby back to life, but He will and is being glorified in this situation! I’m so proud of our family as we struggle with grief but not anger! So many of us are giving praise to our Lord for his short life instead of being bitter that it was cut short! (And I hope it doesn’t come across as bragging — it is still hard but there is a choice involved).
Well, naptime is over…I have more to share….but no time right now!