It’s October 1st. And, I feel a bit apprehensive. Regardless of exact dates, SOMETIME this month we will get more details about the baby girl. I’m eagerly anticipating ANY contact, any information. I’m pretty distracted by it.
Which, of course, means that I’ve got one of the busiest weeks before me!! Yikes! We’ve got homeschool, work, dentist appts, doctor appts, Knit Night, Scouts at all levels, including my shrinking Tiger den – down to three boys :(, all day tomorrow helping my mom with her dentist appt (she has to be transported and stayed with because of the medication), and we are finishing the week up with Olympics at the school and Eric preaching at our church!! And, in between all this I’ll be stalking the phone!
It also occurred to me this week, that the case workers, foster family, whoever, might end up on my blog at some point. For about 2 seconds I wondered if I should edit anything…and then I realized how stupid that was. I am who I am. I do not want to be anything or anyone else. If people can’t handle the truth of my grief journey or my anticipation about this adoption – then, that is their problem. I am who I am. And, I’m ok with that!