I’ve been horrible about updating this Knitting Blog. It’s always easier for me to just post on my normal blog but that’s just an excuse!


  • Fluted Bannister Socks -in Lorna’s Laces Watercolor.  Magic Loop, 2 at once, top down.
  • Big Shrug aka Music & Lyrics Shrug
  • Lace – but it’s been so long since I picked it up, I can barely remember what it is!  Socks are MUCH funner! 😉

Pictures soon – I promise!

Dh is at camp until Friday.  And, J1 is now on his way there too. (sigh) I’m feeling sort of unsettled now.  I don’t like be alone.  Yes, yes…I know that I just posted about LOVING to be alone but that was by choice!  For the next 4 days or so I am it!  I’m the responsible adult.  I’m the one who has to remember to water the grass in addition to everything else!

In some ways parenting while DH is away is easier.  I’m the last voice.  No one attempts to ask Dad for a better answer.  I’m a little more loose about meals, bedtimes and the like.  But I don’t like it!  I’m going to be counting down the days until he returns!

I’ve been talking about getting a bike for myself in order to take the boys for bike rides. I’ve been talking about it for awhile…and as the boys are getting older I realize I really need to give them more freedom. Maybe if they ride with me for awhile then I’ll feel comfortable letting them go a few places on their own. (Gosh, the world is a scary place nowadays!)

So, my friend Ruth mentioned today that her #3 son is selling a couple of bikes! A deal was struck. But somehow I ended up taking my first ride tonight! J1 and I rode our new-to-us 🙂 bikes home from her house….over 2 miles!! Yes, I looked it up. I was hoping it was suitably impressive in case I’m incapable of moving tomorrow!!

After I recovered enough to speak again, J2 asked if we were going on a ride tomorrow. I said if I could move tomorrow, we would go on a ride. Lord, help me! Just took the maximum dose of pain meds – that should help! Maybe we’ll post pictures tomorrow!

It’s utterly and completely quiet here. So quiet I can hear the water sprinkler outside. In a house with three boys it NEVER gets this quiet!

So, how does a mom get to enjoy quiet like this?

Well, she totally and completely flakes! She tells her husband she refuses to go one more night to Cub Scout Camp and do “buddy-checks” while swatting at mosquitos – it is HIS TURN!

She tells her friend that she can’t come watch the fabulous movie and knit (even THOUGH it has been almost a week since she got to indulge in her favorite pasttime).

She makes her family wimpy sandwiches (YES! This IS your dinner! Eat it!) – throws them out the door – falls on to her bed and sleeps for 45 blissful minutes!

She awakens refreshed. She wanders around the house wondering what to do with herself. Finally, she finds an ok movie and knits. She turns off the semi-ok movie and just listens…….aaahhhh….that’s nice!