I did this last year and thought I’d do it again. Let me know if you do it too!   To read the full post – just click on the month.  If you want to play….just copy the first sentence that you posted in each month of 2007 and let me know so I can come read about YOUR year!


My friend Ruth now has her own knitting blog!


You Are Kermit


Here’s some photos of what I’m working on right now…


J2 is writing a story about …what else… pirates.


I’m finally getting our camping photos uploaded!


Found an old friend at MySpace – since I’ve been scanning pictures from our wedding into the computer – I thought I’d post these.


Another repost from my Knitting Blog…too hot to be able to put a couple of words together…forgive me!


Truly. It was the worst.


I’ve been collecting photos, but not sharing!


I’m stalking my email – waiting for a photo!!!! :D


Tonight I got to talk to Cliff & Stephanie from GSPN – it was basically a get to know your neighbor interview.


The boys and Eric put up the tree today (while I knit like a crazy woman).

I really enjoyed this parody – However, I didn’t know who made it or if they’d be ok with me sharing it here. Then, someone on my homeschool group shared the following!

Tim Hawkins is a comedian who wrote the parody song “A Homeschool
Family”. Tim and his wife play the parents in the video, and four of
the kids are theirs – the rest are friends. (snip)

He has a DVD that has a hilarious bit on parenting and another on
homeschooling. His comedy is totally family friendly.

I hope you will check out his site – he is pretty funny!

Today J1 had to have some minor (to whom I wonder? Certainly NOT minor to us!!) surgery. We are home safe and sound now – he had some trouble coming out of anesthesia but after some additional medication got that resolved and was able to come home. I took a couple pictures to share with his family:

Wheeling in…


Still wheeling…


Waiting for the Surgeon…


(edited to add: No, J1 didn’t triple in size. They used this thing called “bear hug” to keep him warm. I think it’s at the top of his Christmas list now! LOL)

Afterwards with his new friend…


Thank you for the prayers. The outcome was the best possible scenario. We are so glad to have this behind us!

4 edits – guess I’m more out-of-it then I realized.


Before dinner J3 got to open his gifts.


A race track from his big brother! I was really touched that J1 spent so much on his little brother – of course, guess who’s home playing with it now while J3 is at school! LOL


Singing the “Happy Birthday” song – and, boy were we bad!


Cute shot of Miss K and her new haircut!


Today J3 turns 7. I’m a bit sad about it.

This morning he asked me about his cake. He had picked out white cake with lemon frosting. I was going to attempt a layer cake, but I didn’t want him to have high expectations due to my lack of practice! He looks at me and said, ‘I can have a square cake.’ lol He’s so sweet!

Here is what I ended up with….hope he likes it!



Tonight Grma & Grpa O, Grammy and Uncle Brett & Cousin Kaya will join us for pizza and cake! Hope my headache disappears by then!!